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New 2024: customize the color of your bed

09 / 02 / 2024

Paola di Ettomio

First it was ... the search for the natural effect

Ettomio beds have always smelled of nature.

What makes them truly unique is that, to enhance the solid wood from which they are made, is a finish that has been researched, and studied at length, to upgrade the quality, the warmth and make them suitable for any environment.

We decided to varnish our beds because any other alternative would not have been adequate to our promise: to make a bed that will last forever.

The choice of paint

We spent many months before finding the "magic potion".

We strongly wanted to find a way to enhance the warmth of wood (because those who choose Ettomio are also those who recognize the value of real wood furniture!). And at the same time, we wanted to stop the yellowing process typical of wood. Wood is a living material and oxidizes over time.

Try to see your wooden floor for example: where it is exposed it is one color, where it is covered (for example under carpets) it is another.

This is a natural process and is part of its wonderful characteristics: but would you like to have a sunbed that turns yellow after a few months?

Yes, because if not painted, any wood tends to yellow.

For our beds we have chosen water-based paint with EN-71 certification (the highest standard for certifying the safety of objects in contact with children). We have chosen a light bleached shade to fully express the warmth of the solid wood with which they are made, "removing" that yellowish tone that is typical of fir.

Our standard color (which we call "Natural White") really goes well with everything and allows you to combine any style and dare with the colors of the accessories: brightly colored rugs, checks and cushions.


After seeing the first colorful custom-made cribs... our hearts skipped a beat!

Without fuss :) over the years we have made several beds with colored paint following our customers' suggestions.

Our beds have been chosen for beautiful designs and gorgeous bedroom sets by designers and architects, by interior designers with a taste for the beautiful and healthy.

I must admit we were skeptical at first: from natural wood ... to charcoal gray or black, it really seemed too much :) 

But ... in the end we have to confess: the colors chosen for the custom designs were spot on and made our beds look even more beautiful, enhancing the design and giving value to the shapes.

Short supply chain also means customization

Our beds are made within what we can call an Ettomio production "district".


Made (in the rough) by carpenters and finished within a small reality of excellence in terms of painting.

Thanks to the flexibility and help of our supplier craftsmen, we are ready to offer custom coloring.

We have identified a certified paint, lacquer effect, we have tried it and now we can say it:

You will never hear us say no again :)

In our catalog you will find all wooden beds and complements in three color options:

  • Natural White (our flagship, the color of all time)
  • Pure White (it's a lacquered white that completely covers the wood)
  • Custom Color (you will be the one to choose it)

You think about the color.

We think about making it!

If you have the NCS code for the color you want available, just provide it to us and we will apply it to your chosen products.

But if you are unsure, then feel free to contact us for a consult!

We love talking to people :)

Together we will find the right color for you and your bedroom set.

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