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Craftsmen: the beating heart of Ettomio

30 / 04 / 2024

Paola di Ettomio

When we rationally approached parenthood (rationally, meaning after a few months since our first baby had already arrived ... because, well…yes, the first months are really tough and one is not very "fit" to reason: in that time the password is ... survive! :)), ... I was saying, when we started thinking about "what kind of parents we would like to be", we approached some educational styles such as Maria Montessori's philosophy, the gentle discipline and cues from Steiner's ideals.

We tried to approach each stage of his growth by accommodating our son's requests (explicit or not) in a gentle way, but firm on some of our decisions and beliefs.

As long as it concerned toys and accessories, we did not feel the need to investigate more deeply the ethical and sustainable aspect of the objects that gradually entered our home ... The turning point came with the choice of furniture for the nursery.

Around the age of one year, in fact, we decided to create the space that could help our son sleep "on his own", and we were faced with proposals that came little closer to the concept of quality and sustainability: concepts and values that instead, we were looking for precisely to give a concrete signal of the value system to be transmitted to our son.

We wanted furniture that was beautiful but also functional, solid and healthy. We wanted furniture that would last, not disposable furniture. We wanted to make a "forever" choice and not a choice dictated by consumerism.

We searched and searched. Nothing on the market was suitable for us, and this was the moment, I would say for the first time in our lives, when we entered a carpenter's workshop.

Craftsmanship: a decisive turning point

With literally a sheet of paper on which I had drawn a bed (complete with measurements and features that - as a mom - I considered fundamental) I entered Nicola's craft workshop, who, with a smile, told me "I'll take care of it".

That moment was a revelation for me, an enlightenment about the true essence of craftsmanship.

After all, it was not just about manual skill and technique, but about passion, creativity and the ability to transform an idea into tangible work. That crib was not just an object, but a unique piece of history, created with love and attention to detail.

Since then, craftsmanship has been the beating heart of Ettomio. Our products, though designed by specialized designers, come to life through the skilled hands of carpenters, tailors and other craftsmen.

Each piece is a work of art, carefully crafted down to the smallest detail and made with the utmost attention to quality.

Is it really that special to work with small artisan companies?

We have learned so much, and that is why - for us - it is so important to "return" to give strength and voice to small Italian artisan companies.

The value of time

Our craftsmen don't count the minutes it takes to make a piece.

They do not know what the clock is as long as they are making their products.

They end up getting lost in creativity, meticulous crafting and ... not meeting deadlines :) (so much so that we have learned to anticipate by always giving slightly wide deadlines to our clients!)

For them, time also means following the mood... as happened that time when on a holiday , one of our carpenters, taken by a burst of energy, in a single day accomplished the production that during the previous week he had not been able to do because his mood did not agree!

Following the rhythm of the human is not a trivial value ... from them we learn to recognize the value of the person and the value of the time in life that is devoted to "making".

An encounter between generations

The mother, now in her eighties, who brings a snack at 10 a.m.; the father who, retired for years, sneaks into the workshop to lend a hand and to share the stories of his glorious past. Children and grandchildren who arrive after school and find their shelter in the workshop.

Our craftsmen's workshops are family, they are a meeting and a crossing of generations.

Work is an integral part of daily life, and the passion for work is handed down from generation to generation.

In those places, where smells of wood and sounds of tools mingle, the atmosphere is rich in stories and traditions, generations meet and confront each other, leaving a deep mark not only on the professional level, but also on the heart.

Territory and traditions

Have you ever thought about this fact: we know when Black Friday is... but we don't know when our town's festival is celebrated…!

See, this does not happen with craftsmen! They know how to stay anchored to the territory and its traditions. Their work rhythms do not follow the frenzy of internationality, but adapt to local dynamics, with closures for holidays and ingrained customs. From them we learned that even St. Pancras has its importance and it is necessary to slow down, to value moments of pause and the balance between work life and community life.

"Perfect" is better than "done".

Well it is. For our carpenters, perfection is not an optional extra; it is a commitment.

Every product that comes out of their businesses is the result of meticulous attention to detail. The carpenter is not just a performer, but a true artist. He interprets ideas, transforms them into reality using his knowledge of the raw material. He does not settle for an imperfect product because he knows that every imperfection is a lack of respect for his work and for those who choose his products.

Trust then is an unbreakable law. With them there is no need for strict quality control. The passion of our craftsmen is our greatest guarantee.

If a product does not meet their high standards, it will be made again without hesitation.

Between creativity and "standards"

Working with creative craftsmen is an experience full of satisfaction, but also of challenges. Sometimes their artistic streak can lead to overly personal interpretations of products. It took time to find a balance between the creativity of our carpenters and the need to maintain a consistent standard.

Some of them, accustomed to making one-of-a-kind custom pieces, just couldn't (and still can't) accept the idea of having to follow strict guidelines. They want to put their "signature" on each product, to make it special and different from all the others.

So here it is: if you find a Smile mark in pen, an acronym that means nothing to you, know that it is a message from them :)

A commitment to the future

At Ettomio, we are aware of the importance of preserving and enhancing small businesses, a valuable asset that is in danger of disappearing.

This is why we are committed to supporting Italian craftsmen, collaborating with them and involving them in our projects.

We are convinced that in this way their creativity, know-how and passion will continue to live on, to excite us and to make our land unique: a precious legacy that goes beyond mere making.